Sutton Grammar School

Learning Support

Inclusion is at the heart of what we all do at Sutton Grammar School as we strive to remove barriers to learning and participation.
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Team

Our Team

Ms Mariam Mahmoud (SENDCO)
Mr James Tuck (Assistant SENDCO)
Mrs Sue Ashok (LSA and ELSA specialist)
Miss Elizabeth Wu (LSA and SEND Champion)
Dr Chui Kwan (LSA)

Pupils with SEND will have access to learning support that is additional to and different from that which is available as part of our academic curriculum and pastoral care.
This may include the allocation of a member of the Learning Support Team in some lessons and/or attending 1-2-1 or small group interventions outside of lessons targeting specific and relevant areas of need.

Types of Interventions we run include:

  • Leadership and Communication
  • Revision and Organisation/Study Skills
  • Handwriting ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support)
  • Mentoring

When such support is employed, it is to facilitate inclusion and promote independence and will be implemented after discussion with pupils and their families/carers.

The school also facilitates use of assistive technology such as High-Vis equipment and modified materials for students with visual impairments, radio link amplification devices for students with hearing impairments and adjustments and modifications to activities and practical work for students with physical disabilities

Additionally, some students may be allowed to use electronic equipment such as a laptop to enable participation in lessons. To enquire about this or any of the learning support measures that we employ, please contact our SENDCO (For 2023/24 – Assistant SENDCO).


Important Documents

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Policy SEN Information Report 2023 - 24 Sutton Grammar School Local Offer 2023 - 24
Explore our

Student Support


Explore the transition support we offer here, including joining the school and transitioning between year groups.

Pastoral Care

We believe every student should feel valued and an integral part of our school community, find out more here.


Our Signposting website has links to external services and resources for advice and support for a range of issues.