This academic year, we have introduced a new Headteacher’s Award to celebrate students’ achievements. These awards will be presented termly to students who have demonstrated one of the school’s values: Excellence, Integrity, Kindness and Community.

Many congratulations to Arnav, Hang Ming, Mia and Aaryn, who received awards at the end of last term. Below are the values they exemplified and the reasons for their nominations:

• For Integrity – Arnav Dalwadi

For having maturity above his years, tackling challenges with resilience and behaving with honesty and humility.

• For Kindness – Hang Ming Zheng

For taking time out of his day, for many days, to support a student in need, enabling them to feel valued, respected and to have friendship.

• For Excellence – Mia Drzaic

For going significantly above and beyond in her efforts to prepare this year’s edition of The Suttonian. Her energy and drive have been exemplary, as has her excellent design sense, it will result in one of the school’s best editions yet.

• For Community – Aaryn Padhi

For embodying the spirit of the school community and helping an old lady who was lost to make her journey successfully.

We are incredibly proud of these students and their outstanding contributions to our school community.

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