Sutton Grammar School


Year 7 Admissions

Sutton Grammar School admits boys into year 7 according to the results of a two-stage test process.

Boys are admitted to the school based on their academic ability, which we assess via the Selective Eligibility Test (please read here for more information).

For a place at Sutton Grammar School in Year 7 you must register for the Selective Eligibility Test (available here from 1 May 2025).

The registration for the Selective Eligibility Test for September 2026 entry will open on 1 May 2025. Please note that the deadline for registration is 1 August 2025

Sutton Grammar School complies with the coordinated admissions arrangements administered by the London Borough of Sutton. If you wish to be considered for a place at Sutton Grammar School you must have been successful in our two stage test process and you must place Sutton Grammar School on the Common Application Form (CAF). Please note that, due to over-subscription, meeting the required standard at our entrance tests does not guarantee the offer of a place at the school.

Please refer to the admissions policy for our entrance criteria and other relevant information.

The Selective Eligibility Test (SET) is the first stage test common to Greenshaw High School (selective band), Nonsuch High School for Girls, Sutton Grammar School, Wallington County Grammar School, Wallington High School for Girls, and Wilson’s School. Some of these schools may have further stages of testing. Please see the individual schools’ websites for details.

Should your son be successful in the Selective Eligibility Test, he will be invited to sit the Second Stage Entrance Exam (please read here for more information)

Mid-Term Admissions

Occasionally we have vacancies outside the normal points of admission, which are the beginning of Year 7, and the Sixth Form. Such vacancies are rare and we cannot predict when they might occur.

If you are interested in applying for one of these occasional vacancies for your son, you must complete a London Borough of Sutton mid-term application form, irrespective of where you live. You do not apply directly to the school. The LBS mid-term application form can be downloaded below.

We will be informed that you have made an application to the school and, in the vast majority of cases, we will respond by indicating that we have no vacancies and will not be able to admit your son to the school. His name will then be kept on a waiting list for the remainder of the academic year in which you have applied. The onus is on you to let us know at the end of that academic year if you wish your son’s name to remain on the waiting list.

In the event that there is a vacancy, boys on the waiting list will be invited to sit an entrance examination to determine selective ability. Where the amount of successful boys, as determined by our test process, is more than the places available, we will look at the rank order of test results.

We do not test boys on the waiting list unless there is a vacancy and parents/guardians have a statutory right of appeal if a place is not offered.

Sixth Form Admissions

Sutton Grammar admits boys and girls into its Sixth Form according to its Admissions Policy; all students must meet a minimum level of overall success at GCSE. Entry is based on competitive grades, and priority is always given to students already at the school. For new admissions to the school, places will be determined by the rank order of examination results and are subject to the availability of places on individual subject courses.

We will be offering a minimum of 40 places to external students.

For more information regarding our Sixth Form admissions, please click on the button below.

Admissions Policy September 2025 Entry

Please find below the Determined Admissions Policy for Sutton Grammar School for September 2025 Entry.

Sutton Grammar School Admissions Policy Year 7 entry 2025 determined policy Sutton Grammar School Admissions Policy Sixth Form entry 2025 determined policy Sutton Grammar School Admissions Policy In-year Admissions 2025 determined

If you have any admissions queries that are not covered on these pages then please contact the Admissions Officer who will be happy to help you.

Ms S Mian
Telelephone: 020 8642 3821

SGSPTA Mock Tests – Familiarisation 11+ Tests

Please do not contact Sutton Grammar School regarding the mock tests as they are managed by the Parent Teacher Association (SGSPTA).

Free places are available for students who receive income-related Free School Meals. Full eligibility criteria for free SGSPTA Mock Tests can be found in the FAQs on their website.

For more information and to book your place, please click here.

Explore Our


Sixth Form Admissions

Interested in joining our Sixth Form? Find out more here.


Please check our frequently asked questions for SET related queries.

Appeal Procedures

Explore our appeal procedures including guidance on how to appeal.