The VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) is available for students and staff to explore department resources.
More information to follow closer to the Y10 exams.
If you have any further questions please contact the exams office.
Our email address: exams@suttongrammar.school
School number: 020 8642 3821
Direct line: 020 8661 4534
If you have any further questions please contact the exams office via email at exams@suttongrammar.school
Re-sits are only available to former Sutton Grammar School students. Please find below information regarding Re-sits. You will also find the Re-sit Entry Form.
If you have any further questions please contact the exams office.
Our email address: exams@suttongrammar.school
Please find below the letter containing information regarding the collection of examination certificates for the Summer 2024 series.
Any former students who have not previously collected their exam certificates from between 2018-2023 please contact the exams office.
The public examination results for Sutton Grammar School can be found below.
Please note that results for 2021 & 2020 are not included in the government’s current performance measures. Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for 1 school or college and another, or to data from previous years regarding 2021 & 2020 results.
You can also access the government’s DfE Performance tables for KS4 & KS5 here.
The VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) is available for students and staff to explore department resources.
Discover the wide range of departments and subjects available to study at Sutton Grammar School.