Contact Us
Need to contact us? Please find all our contact details here including form tutors.
We understand that it can be challenging to determine whether the school is open or closed, especially during times of inclement weather or unexpected events. That is why we have provided you with a quick and easy way to check for school closures.
To check if the school is open or closed, you can follow the link provided below to Sutton Borough’s website, which uses the OpenCheck system. OpenCheck is a service the Learning Grid for London (LGfL) provides. Additionally, you can download the OpenCheck app by LGfL on your mobile device for even easier access to updates on school closures.
Please note that we strive to keep our school open whenever possible, but there may be circumstances beyond our control that require us to close for the safety of our students and staff. In the event of a closure, we will notify parents and guardians as soon as possible through various channels.