Sutton Grammar School


Joining Year 7

Students joining our school in Year 7 who have SEND will have careful transition arrangements. These are decided after consultation with the previous school, parents/carers, the pupil and key staff at our school. A transition meeting may be necessary, along with visits to the previous school and observations of the student in that setting.

The last couple of years has seen the running of a summer sports induction programme for those joining Sutton Grammar School in Year 7. This usually takes place during the last week of the summer holidays and all students including those with SEND are invited and a member of the Learning Support Team is present to monitor and support those with additional needs.

The Learning Support Team have an increased presence across Year 7 lessons during the first half-term to help students with adjusting to new routines and experiences at secondary school.

Y7 SEND Pack

Joining Year 12

External Students joining our school in Year 12 who have SEND will also have careful transition arrangements. These are decided after consultation with the previous school, parents/carers, the pupil and key staff at our school. A transition meeting may be necessary between the pupil, parents/carers and SENDCO.

Y12 SEND Pack

Post-18 Transition

The majority of students at our school go on to study for undergraduate degrees at higher education institutions such as universities. Support for students who are making this transition is available e.g. support with UCAS applications, personal statement writing/drafting, undergraduate study/further education choices and locations, independent life/living skills, student finance. Information regarding support needs/additional arrangements can be provided to the university to enable the continuation of support post-18. We also offer transition support for those pupils who may decide to follow a different pathway after A-levels e.g. apprenticeship, higher education college.


Transition between Year Groups at Sutton Grammar School

Students moving between year groups and key stages will have support from the pastoral team in the school. Where a change of form tutor occurs, there is a continuation of support and the transfer of key information occurs in a meeting between the existing and the next tutor. Pupils with SEND can have a meeting with a member of the Learning Support Team to discuss the transition upon request from themselves and/or their families/young carers.

Important Documents

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Policy Sutton Grammar School Local Offer 2023 - 24
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Student Support

Learning Support

Discover our Learning Support Team and the support to remove barriers that is available to students.

Pastoral Care

We believe every student should feel valued and an integral part of our school community, find out more here.


Our Signposting website has links to external services and resources for advice and support for a range of issues.