Sixth Form Admissions
We have many resources available to aid in your transition to our Sixth Form.
Bursaries are available for students who may benefit from financial assistance to allow them to fully engage with the curriculum and enrichment offering at Sutton Grammar Sixth Form.
The bursary is available to help with funds for expenses such as:
There are two categories of bursary – Vulnerable Bursaries and Discretionary Bursaries
Vulnerable bursaries are worth £1200 per annum but go to a very limited list of students – who are in care, or receive income support in their own name or are disabled and in their own name receive a support allowance and a disability living allowance.
Discretionary bursaries are funded from a limited pot made available to the school and are available to those students in receipt of free school meals or who live in families where the combined taxable income is below £26,400 or in other exceptional circumstances (e.g. hardship caused by sudden changes to family circumstances). Payments from the bursary fund are dependent on zero unauthorised absence from classes and the completion of all work and courses. The money is intended to facilitate the purchase of textbooks and the other expenses of attending school such as travel and curriculum based trips.
If you have any questions please contact either the Finance Manager, Head of Sixth Form or Headmaster.
The 16 to 19 tuition fund is funding for the 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022 academic year. It is ring fenced for strategies specifically targeted to mitigate the disruption to learning arising from coronavirus (COVID-19).
In accordance with the guidance, Sutton Grammar School will use the funding to support students who have not achieved a grade 4 in English and/or maths, students from an economically disadvantage background and students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), particularly where they have experienced additional disruption to learning as a result of their specific needs and disabilities.
We will monitor and report on the impact of group and one-to-one sessions utilising both ongoing qualitative feedback and quantitative data around attendance, engagement and progress. Students will be prioritised for small group/one-to-one tuition based as follows:
Maths and English catch-up small group support sessions for those students:
Our tuition support offered will be based on individual needs, the identification of an individual starting point, clear learning goals, expectations and outcomes. We are committed to ensuring the tuition fund is used in accordance with the Government’s guidance and to support our students the best we can.