Sutton Grammar School

Parent & Carer Information

For parents and carers, Sutton Grammar School offers a unique environment where your child’s academic and extracurricular potential is fully nurtured. Our focus extends beyond traditional academic excellence to encompass a broad range of sporting and cultural activities, ensuring a well-rounded experience for your child. We understand the importance of family involvement in education and strive to maintain strong connections with each family.

Discover more below.

Reading at Home

Explore the importance and benefits of supporting reading at home.

School Uniform

Discover our school uniform, including ways in which to access our second-hand uniform shop.

School Meals

Explore our current school meal menus and how your child can pay while at school.


We use ParentPay to streamline the payment process for various school-related expenses.

Pupil Premium

Discover the additional support available to disadvantaged students.


Explore our newsletters, including notable achievements and notices from departments.